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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
YASHRAJ +plants & ovals 26
YASMIN +plants 3
YAUMI +plants & ribbon 30
YBL YETURU +plants 44
YELLOW CRUMB +plants & arc 30
YELLOW GRAIN +plants 29
YELLOW TABLE +plants & oval 35
YIN YANG +plants 29, 30
YING YAANG +plants 29
YING YANG +plants 29
YL YOUR LIKE +plants 6
YOGI +plants 30
plants 44
plants 31
YOUR PRIZE +plants & tick 25
YUNIWA +plants & flower 20
YUPEE Y +plants & ovals 36
plants 35
YUVRAJ +crown plants & arcs 35
YZURVEDA HERBAL +plants bow 5
Z +plants & squares 15
Z +flowers & plants 24
Z KRISHI DARPAN +plants 45
Z KRISHI DARPAN +plants arc 38
Z KRISHI DARPAN +arc plants 9, 41
ZAIKA vanaspati +plants 29
ZAINA +plants & square 35
ZAKIRS +woman & plants 3
ZAMAARA +plants oval square 35
ZANAK +plants 32
ZANDERS AGRO +plants & arc 29, 30, 31, 32, 44
ZANDU kesari jivan +plants 5
plants 25
ZARA BEAUTY +flowers plants 25
ZARDAAN +plants 30
ZARNESHAN +plants & stripes 30
ZARSA +plants design 25
ZEENAT premium +plants 30
ZEENS ELA +plants 5
ZEEYA +plants 25, 35
ZENTAN ITALIA +plants 35
ZINGLE BELL +plants & fruit 29
ZIVA SUITES +plants & ovals 43
plants 25
plants 5
ZOIE +plants 5
ZOLA SUPER +plants 5
ZOORA garments +plants 26
ZULFI +arc & plants 30
ZUQERO +plants & triangle 1, 30
ZYMEX SYRUP +plants 5
ZYTECH LED +globe & plants 11
a +plants 25
a-1 SHURUCHI +plants 3
a-one ANEJA +man & plants 30
ambi & plants 25
ambrosia ruchi +plants oval 30
animals plants circle 35
arch & plants 35
arrow plants & squares 14
basak tal misri +plants 5
bavarian DAILY +plants 30
be BETHADOXIN-12 +plants 5
bengal GOLD +woman & plants 30
better brand +plants 30
bird plants & circle 30
bird & plants 1, 32
birds & plants 35, 45
birds cow & plants 16, 29
birds flowers plants design 16, 18, 24
birds flowers & plants 25
black & white +sun & plants 18
blue CORIANDER +plants 16
bombay LUXURY +plants 5, 7, 9, 10, 20, 23, 25, 26, 31, 32, 34, 43, 45
bombay luxury +plants 2, 16
bottle & plants 3
bowl tubes plants & triangl 5
boy cow & plants 29
boy turtle & plants 16
bpl INDOSEL +plants 5
bs CREMICA +plants 30
building plants & circles 32
cartoon of man with plants 7
chariot wheel & plants 28
circle plants & cogwheel 5
circle & plants 31, 32, 33
circle scales & plants 1
coorg DOUBLE ROAST +plants 30
cotton world +plants 26
cow plants & birds 35
crown plants & shield 3
crown shield & plants 35
d DCI SHAWLS +plants 24
plants 33
deluxe 207 +plants 34
deshi daru CHAKDE +plants 35
diaxl TABLET +plants 5
drop & plants 1, 4, 17, 22, 31, 40
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